The Lonely Moon

Today’s moon was a bit overpowering that I didn’t have to open the lights in the kitchen to guide me. It’s lonely light illuminated the kitchen counter, the refrigerator, and then me.

Then an afterthought welcomed me like an unforeseen plot twist.

I looked at the moon and paused for a while and thought of you. The moon was so beautiful that I immediately thought of you. Hoping that you’ll see it and remind you about how great it is to be alive and be able to witness such beauty. Hoping that at your place, the clouds won’t hinder you from seeing such beautiful creation.
And also…I’m hoping that you’re looking too even though we’re miles apart and even though we have different timezones.

I guess, it’s silly of me to be hoping something like this but when you are longing for someone… Little things matter too.

I hope you’re looking at it or at least came across with it because with this, at least we’ll have that short connection… Like the distance between us will finally be shortened during that brief moment of looking up at the sky. That through this, the red string will eventually find its way to connect both of us once again even if it’s just a short while. That even though we stopped talking, there’s still that 0.00001 possibility of being related to you.

And if that happens…. I’m hoping that I’ll cross your mind too.
July 5 2020

P.S. I know itz low quality but I just wanted to post this content and this is the only photo I have related to the moon lol. (but srsly. I love the mooon today).